Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Disney Animated Culture vs. Reality

     The reaction of many to say that Disney movies are wrecked is important in making a change.  Perhaps it will encourage Disney to hire people who can ensure they change their movies to challenge ideas and even challenge these norms which may have been created by this same company. I feel guilty about my relationship with Disney animated movies.  My sister and I grew up watching the princess movies as well as many other Disney classics and the stereotypical cartoons and without ever giving it a thought.  I can look back and see how many decisions and choices these beliefs that I was so unaware of were really happening.  Picking out boys at school to be our prince charmings and dressing up with heals and accessories. Another thing I recall is my brother didn't really watch these type of movies except sometimes to tease and make fun of his two younger sisters.  Fast forward then I had two daughters who also grew up watching Disney movies which I still have dozens of on vhs tape!  The idea that Christensen points out stating "Our society's culture industry colonizes their minds and teaches them how to act, live, and dream" is what resonates most with me.  How did I not think more about what I was exposing my own kids to, because I didn't know any different.  I learned these same ideologies as my parents had also learned and accepted the earlier versions of more stereotypical Disney classics.

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     A second point of Christensen that also stood out to me is that "most of the early information we receive about "others"-people racially, religiously, or socioeconomically different from ourselves- does not come as a result of firsthand experience. The secondhand information we receive has often been distorted, shaped by cultural stereotypes, and left incomplete.  I grew up with a father who I joke but truly use very stereotypical comments and accusations of "others" who were different from us.  One such ongoing "joke" was if we did anything stupid or careless it was blamed on my mother's "French side".  A funny story, as a kid my sister once refused to eat French toast at her first sleepover because it might make her "stupid!" 

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Christensen also challenges us to go deeper than just the race of the character otherwise injustices and inequities will still exist.  We need to challenge ideas, motives, movies, and advertisement among so many more of these forced ideas and underlying stereotypes.  I used the following video clip in my library class lesson on gender stereotyping showing that a preschooler can pick out gender bias!

I really did enjoy the movie Frozen, even with the many stereotypical ideas that were once again included in a Disney movie.  Father as the protector, mother as caregiver, men do dangerous, physical labor, men train boys, damsel in distress, arrogant and self centered villain, and an implied happily ever after to name a few but the inclusion of new perspectives was positive and inspiring.  Elsa didn't need a man and Anna found out "the hard way" that love can't be found in a day but happens over time and experiences.  I liked how the trolls point out his faults but cover it with the fact he's sensitive and sweet characteristics more thought of as feminine.  Calling him a "fixer upper" and encouraging they everyone has a way they can be fixed up.  The message in the end is love may turn up when you least expect it.  I think the thing that stood out most to me was the ending.  I was expecting Christof to make it to his beloved Princess Anna just in time to save her but the twist to have Elsa's sisterly love and family bond be the way to save Anna was a greater message than the marriage and happily ever after expectation.
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I think that we as adults, parents, educators, or youth workers need to let kids explore this and challenge the norms.  If more of this is done I feel acceptance of differences will also become accepted.  Reflecting on my own children, they weren't much into Disney past the age of 10.  The were more into sports, playing soccer, basketball, softball, and competing in track.  They do both wear makeup and do their hair and dress nicely but do not have body types like the typical princess characters.  I hope for a world where we can respect each others differences and encourage people to follow their own dreams and not the drams that have been forced on them.  Question yourself, your values, and the influences on your choices, look at things through this new lens even when it isn't the fairytale you expected or even ever heard before.  

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