Monday, June 25, 2018

Digital Native or Digital Immigrant?

When first posed with the question was I a digital native or digital immigrant, I thought definitely a digital native, after all we owned an Apple IIc in 1985!! 
Apple IIc with monitor.jpgLooked just like this but had a floppy disk drive!  Cleaning out the clutter in the attic of the house I grew up and now live in, I recently came across it.  After joking about it, my brother was determined to get it up and running so I gave it to him.  After some research, I could've made some money on ebay
Also, my first job in the summers of 1991 and 1992 was a counselor at Cumberland Computer Camp.  I worked alongside the high school computer teacher having young kids draw designs on graph paper and then we taught them to program the computer to create their designs, that was my idea of being technologically savvy and ahead of the times.

Apparently, I missed something and the digital age zoomed past me and left me feeling that I am an immigrant.  I was surpassed by so many things in such a short period of time that I was now behind the times.  I didn't own a cell phone until well after my first child was born, however said child got her first cell in 7th grade at 12 years old.  My second child got one even sooner because of the constant nagging (on her part) and the convenience of communicating at any given time for any change in plan or routine.
This youtube video convinced me I'm a digital immigrant as it isn't inherent and it took trial and error as well as getting training and support from those much younger than me, even my own kids!!  So although I have adopted a blended learning practice to teaching, I am still learning to navigate the digital world with ease.  This model gives my students more voice and choice in what they are learning and how they can demonstrate proficiency.  Adopting of this practice has taken countless hours of discovering new websites, working with technology, and being frustrated by the process.  Incredible coaching, support, and encouragement have made me persevere through what once seemed an overwhelming and impossible process, but the benefits and academic advancement of my students has been well worth my personal struggles. I feel that my use of such site as padlet, Kahoot, and Edpuzzle allow my lessons to be more engaging for my digital native students!

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